Rapid Prototyping
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Rapid Prototyping Services

At Nordell, we specialise in transforming your ideas into tangible assets with our cutting-edge rapid prototyping services.


Our solutions are tailored to expedite the development process, ensuring that your product design is refined and market-ready in record time.


Whether you're in the initial stages of design or ready for final touches, our services are designed to deliver precision and efficiency.


Contact us today to see how we can bring your projects to life faster and more effectively than ever before.

What Is Rapid Prototyping?

Rapid prototyping is an innovative process that quickly turns concepts into functional prototypes, allowing engineers and designers to evaluate and refine product designs effectively.


This technique is crucial for verifying design and functionality before committing to full-scale production, ensuring that any potential flaws are addressed early in the development cycle.


Rapid prototyping is flexible, allowing for multiple iterations and is integral at any stage of product development.


3D Printing And Rapid Prototyping


At Nordell, we specialise in offer advanced 3D printing through the Nordell Xiamen office in China, providing a quick method to evaluate a new design before manufacturing the tool.


Our process starts from the moment you share your CAD models, guiding you through material and technology selection to ensure your prototype meets both functional and aesthetic requirements.


Technologies and Materials


We leverage several 3D printing technologies, including Stereolithography (SLA) for high-detail components, Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) for durable parts, and Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) for cost-effective initial prototypes. Our array of materials includes advanced thermoplastics, high-performance resins, and composites, allowing us to simulate the final product's properties closely.


Quality and Efficiency


Each prototype undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure precision and integrity. Our 3D printing capabilities allow for rapid iterations, significantly reducing the time from concept to final prototype. We also provide comprehensive post-processing services to enhance the prototype's functionality and appearance.


Collaboration and Scalability


Nordell’s team works closely with clients throughout the prototyping process, facilitating a seamless transition from prototype to full-scale production. This collaborative approach ensures that every prototype not only meets but exceeds expectations, paving the way for successful product development and launch.


Advantages of Our Rapid Prototyping Services


Nordell’s rapid prototyping services offer a strategic advantage by integrating advanced 3D printing technologies and expert craftsmanship to transform your conceptual designs into tangible prototypes swiftly and efficiently.


Here are the key benefits:


  • Precision and Customisation: Our use of cutting-edge technologies, including SLA, SLS, and FDM, allows for high precision and extensive customisation to meet specific project requirements.
  • Speed to Market: Our rapid prototyping capabilities significantly reduce the development cycle, enabling faster iterations and quicker market entry.
  • Cost Efficiency: By optimising the prototype development process, we help minimise material waste and reduce overall production costs, making it economically advantageous for businesses.
  • Collaborative Process: Our team works closely with clients, ensuring that each prototype is meticulously crafted to reflect the desired outcome, enhancing the product's viability and market success.


Contact Nordell


For more information about our rapid prototyping services or to discuss your project needs, please don't hesitate to contact Nordell.


Our team is ready to provide expert guidance and tailored solutions to help bring your ideas to life.


Email technicalenquiry@nordell.co.uk or fill out the form below.

Our Robust Development Process:


Concept & Requirements

  • Discovery meeting or project/enquiry file review, for discussion to fully understand the product application and project performance, quality, timescale and budget requirements.
  • Provisional assessment of risk or variance to expectations, with brief to customer on initial observations and recommendations for approval prior to offer.

Design for Manufacture

Investigation and Development
  • Offer & Project Commercialisation.
  • Standardise materials, colours, number of parts, Inserts and build Operations.
  • Product and Design exploration with Sector cross pollination.
  • Initial FMEA & Control Plan.
  • Project Management.
  • Report & Proposals to Client.
  • Prototype and review.

Product Tooling Design & Manufacture

Tooling and Sampling
  • Design Freeze with 2D drawings & 3D files.
  • Tool Design GA customer approval.
  • Tool Manufacture.
  • Product & Tool identification standard for asset and labelling.
  • Product ERP structure, Centre selection, Bill of Materials and route standardisation.
  • Product materials procurement.
  • Production trials scheduling.

Product & Tooling Trials

  • Customer update.
  • Tooling and production trials.
  • T1 Sample submission.
  • Review, Tune & Development.
  • Tooling and Production Trials.
  • T2 Sample submission.
  • Sampling Review.

Product Part Approval

Verification and Validation
  • PPAP Product Part Approval Process.
  • First Article Inspection reports.
  • FMEA review.
  • Tooling Review.
  • Pilot production requirements.
  • Tooling Acceptance.

Product Approved

  • Transfer to commercial teams.
  • Product can be scheduled against production requirements.
  • Delivery terms reviewed (VMI, KANBAN).
  • Review.

Rapid Prototyping FAQs

Why should I consider rapid prototyping?

Rapid prototyping is essential for making faster design iterations and achieving a more refined product before mass production. It enables cost-effective design adjustments and helps pinpoint potential issues earlier in the process.

What rapid prototyping technologies do you offer?

We offer a range of technologies, including Stereolithography (SLA), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), and Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), to cater to various design specifications and material requirements.

What file formats do you accept for 3D models?

We accept several file formats, including STL, OBJ, STEP, and IGES. These formats help us ensure that we can directly translate your digital designs into high-fidelity physical prototypes.

What is the typical turnaround time for a prototype?

The turnaround time depends on the complexity and requirements of the project but typically ranges from a few days to several weeks. Our team works diligently to meet your timelines without compromising quality.
Interested in working together?
No matter what stage you are at in your thought process, make contact with our team today to discuss your project.
call us
Customer service

Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 17:30 & Friday 8.00 - 12.00

Email: customerservice@nordell.co.uk

New Business Enquiries

Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 17:30 & Friday 8.00 - 12.00

Email: enquiries@nordell.co.uk

Technical Enquiries & Design Support

Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 17:30 & Friday 8.00 - 12.00

Email: technicalenquiry@nordell.co.uk

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